Hiring a LATAM Agency: Pros & Cons


Communication strategies are a must-have for every product or service promotion or new client acquisition tactics. Marketing services developed with an internal team is not always the best practice due operation time or multitask needs for an 360° implementation and hiring a local agency could be expensive.

It is possible to have an effective communication process with agencies abroad?

In a global world, every day is easier to work with suppliers in different countries; the Americas market has proven to be an attractive territory as well as potential customers as strong and specialized service providers.

Mexico is specifically a good partner due to its closeness to the US market, media, and brands consumption. But how it is to work with a Mexican communication agency?  Let’s review the pros and cons.


  • Affordable. The exchange rate allows local or new businesses to get an ally abroad.
  • A close and personal service. Latin American culture has been developed in favor of close relationships and is service oriented. At WRU the human factor is the most important thing for building a long-term business partnership.
  • There isn’t a time gap. Time difference between the US & Canada is not a factor that affects service between Mexican agencies and these countries.
  • We understand the market needs. Mexico is culturally close to the US; we consume American content, music, products, and services. It’s very common for us to use English terms in our everyday conversations and we are familiar with the American way of life.


  • Learning curve. Working with a Mexican agency could imply a trimestral learning curve, considering strategy development and customer definition.
  • Technical wording. Depending on your business, it could take a couple of months for a foreign agency to master your business’ terminology.

Here at WRU we currently have the opportunity of working with US clients, see Leticia’s First Class Cleaning testimony here. You can also learn more of our services in our website.
